Why we can't concentrate on meditation easly??

The process of meditation:

  • Before going  to meditation first you should take a bath.
  • Site on the yoga mat
  • You should site in the "padmasna"
  • And then close your eyes and consentrate on your breathing.
This is the basic process.

which place is  best for meditation.
  • I will prefer you to meditate in the silent place.
  • You can do the meditation in your  home(ROOM).
  • To do "MADITATION" BEST TIME IS early morning 4:00 am-6:am is best.
 Best places ;temples,forests,gardens,rivers.

why we can not concentrate on our breathing?
   we can not concentrate on breathing while doing meditation.because when we born from then human beenings ignore there breathing.
  our breathing system will work subconsciouly.
So we do work subconsciouly that thing are our habits.we can n't change habits immediately it takes time 
So  that's why when  we want to concentrate on our breathing while miditatining its is so hard to concentrate.
  • YOU should take breath big and slowly.
  • before starting meditation do 10 times takes breath fastly...
instruments used in yoga  prodect links given below
water bottle
yoga water bottle

yoga mat
yoga mat

copper water bottle

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